Overview: You can protect your zombie by using your abilities to place roads and walls on the map. The abilities can be controlled by either using the in-game buttons in the top right of the screen, or by pressing the Q,W,E,R keys. The key mappings for each ability can be changed in the Options Menu.
Road: Placing a road on the map will cause Zaun to move toward the location of the newly placed road.
Wall: Placing a wall on the map will block enemy attacks from hurting Zaun. Zaun won't be able to move through walls, so be careful not to place them in front of an antidote!
Back Story: In an apocalyptic world, our main character, Zaun, falls victim to a zombie attack, dies, and comes back as a zombie. Since Zaun is dead, he has a ghost. The role of the ghost is to watch over and protect his zombie body.
Objective: The aim is to stop the mindless Zaun zombie from getting hurt, harming others, and obtain the antidote.
Gameplay: Guide your zombie body using your ghost abilities that construct roads, walls, and bridges. Build them on any tiles on the map while keeping track of your energy. Collect components of the antidote while avoiding threats and chaos.
Ability Key Bind